Even Brief Bouts Of Exercise Can Prevent Weight Gain, Researchers Show

Exercise is Not Likely to Be Your Ticket to the Weight-Loss Express

Jessie X. Fan , professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah and the study leader. How exercise may be able to help you ward off cancer “Knowing that even short bouts of brisk activity can add up to a positive effect is an encouraging message for promoting better health,” she said in a statement . Fan said the finding was important because fewer than 5 percent of American adults get the weekly amount of exercise recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The guidelines call for least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each week that can be accumulated in 10 minutes-spurts.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-204_162-57601189/even-brief-bouts-of-exercise-can-prevent-weight-gain-researchers-show/

With kids in school, it’s exercise time

Among men with medium fitness, about 4,000 out of 630,000, or 0.62 percent, developed epilepsy. The number of men with low fitness who developed epilepsy was 502 out of about 46,000 men, or 1.09 percent. The results held after considering genetic factors, diabetes, previous incidents of traumatic brain injury and stroke. Positive effects of exercise on the brain have been seen in other areas as well. Previous studies, some in humans and some in animals, have shown that exercise protects the brain against depression and Parkinsons disease, and improves neurogenesis and memory, Ben-Menachem said. “We think fitness does amazing things in the brain,” she said. “It’s easy enough to do, and it’s not a fancy medicine that costs you a lot of money.” Copyright 2013 LiveScience , a TechMediaNetwork company.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/09/06/exercise-may-ward-off-epilepsy/

Exercise may ward off epilepsy

But unfortunately, it’s just not that simple. To put exercise into some perspective, to lose a pound of weight each week would require roughly a marathon of effort each and every week, as the calories burned running those 26.2 miles would likely be in the neighborhood of a pound’s worth. Of course, it would also necessitate that not once did you “eat because you exercised” – neither as an indulgence to reward yourself for all that running, nor as a consequence to any running-induced hunger. Seems to me that’d be pretty unlikely.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://news.yahoo.com/exercise-not-likely-ticket-weight-loss-express-131336354.html

Remember the payoff: Strengthen your commitment to exercise by focusing on the benefits, including more energy, clothes fitting better, lower stress levels and the pleasure of having that amazing time to just lose yourself in an activity just for you. Most importantly, exercise is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle. By exercising, you gain a sense of control over your body and energy. Exercise provides an outlet from the ongoing pressures of parenting while it fortifies you mentally and physically to handle the demands of life as you promote overall health.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.buffalonews.com/life-arts/fitness/with-kids-in-school-its-exercise-time-20130907

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