Renewing The Offensive Against Sleep Disorder

Sleep Disorders in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Expatiating further on sleep study, they maintained that sleep disorder if unchecked can lead to other life threatening conditions.A Sleep Study or Polysomnogram is used to help diagnose sleep disorders. Sleep studies generally take place in a sleep lab during a persons normal sleeping hours and sleep test uses various instruments to gather information about a persons sleep stages, body position and physiological conditions such as brain wave activity, eye movement, muscle movement and possibly even the electrical activity of the heart. This data is then evaluated by the physician, they noted. They further explained that Obstructive Sleep Apnea, OSA, which is the most common type of sleep disorder, is a potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. The risk of undiagnosed OSA includes heart attack, impotence, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart disease and inter-personal relationship problems. Early treatment can prevent cessation in breathing during sleep, help patients stay awake throughout the day, increase energy, lower blood pressure, control snoring and even avoid premature death, they clarified.
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Lack Of Sleep Linked With Increased Health Problems Among Blacks, And More Health News This Week

In those who didn’t have primary sleep disorders, just under 90% met the criteria for at least one measurable sleep problem. Researchers identified four different groups based on sleep abnormalities. They were: Group 1: Slower to get to sleep, delayed Rapid Eye Movement (REM), lower percentages of stage 2 and REM sleep; Group 2: More frequent awakenings; Group 3: Longer total sleep time, less delayed REM sleep, higher percentage of REM sleep, lower percentage of wake time; Group 4: Shortest total sleep time, highest percentage of wake time after sleep onset. Researchers concluded that doctors need to routinely screen for sleep disorders when considering an ME/CFS diagnosis, and that they should use sleep studies to identify sleep problems and tailor treatments to the specific groups. What kind of sleep problems do you have? Do you think one of the above groups describes you?
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Previous research has linked poor sleep habits — a risk factor that’s more likely to occur among professional and management-level African-American adults — to weight gain, low libido and less attractive facial features , but according to this latest report, insufficient sleep may even kill you. Loading Slideshow Blacks Are At Higher Risk For Health Problems From Insufficient Sleep Analyzing data from nearly 137,000 American adults between 2004 and 2011, Harvard School of Public Health researchers found that 30 percent of them were short sleepers (getting less than seven hours of sleep a night), 31 percent were optimal sleepers (getting about seven hours of sleep a night), and 39 percent were long sleepers (getting more than seven hours of sleep a night). Further analysis revealed that 37 percent of black participants were short sleepers, compared with 28 percent of whites. Among the shortest sleepers? Those working in professional or management positions, researchers noted, pointing to possible sleep-disrupting factors that affect blacks more than whites, including job strain; discrimination or harassment in the workplace, which can increase stress; limited control over job demands or prestige; limited professional and social networks providing emotional or financial support; long work hours; and greater home stress.
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